Create flight plan xplane 11
Create flight plan xplane 11

create flight plan xplane 11

Database of 10,000+ ready to use stored flight plans included.Can be used with X-Plane,FS2002,PS1,FLY!2 FlightSims.Performance calculations adjusted for Winds aloft forecast at each waypoint (Available for SimWx, FSMeteo 5.2, and ActiveSkeywxRe).Detailed Navigation log with aircraft climb, cruise,descent, and fuel performance information included.Exporting of flight plans to several FlightSim, and FlightSim add-on formats.Support for insertion of daily, and static North Atlantic and Pacific Track routings into Flight Plans.Canada Preferred IFR routes database included.

create flight plan xplane 11

#Create flight plan xplane 11 download

Entire FAA Preferred IFR routes and Severe weather routes database included (can be easily updated by a download from FAA's web site).Import routes created with external Flight Planners/Flight Planning web sites.Easy access to flight plans stored on the websites for easy copy/paste directly into Fsbuild.10,000+ ready to use flight plans included.Aircraft performance calculations climb cruise, descent, and fuel.Optional Step climb calculations for long range Flights.'Plan mode' feature allows use of the Map view for manually creating flight plans from scratch using Navaids, Airways SIDS and STAR's.Airway, and Navaid Search in user specified areas for efficient route planning.

create flight plan xplane 11

  • Grapical SID/STAR display to assist in determining best SID/STAR route for direction of flight.
  • Flexible automatic route generation, can auto generate complete flight plans from scratch between DEP/DEST, as well was generate a route between two or more defined points.
  • Enhanced coded route interpreter, interpret various coded route/Flight Plan formats.
  • Map view to graphically display created flight plan routings and available Navaids airways, SIDs and STARs.
  • Fsbuild is a comprehensive IFR flight planner that allows you to create realistic flight plans that can directly be used in flight simulation.

    Create flight plan xplane 11